Composite Front Doors

Composite Front Doors Folkestone, Canterbury and Deal …

Looking for double glazing, conservatories, windows or composite front doors Folkestone? Our composite doors are masterfully crafted and precision engineered to your exact specification. Using advanced machinery and decades of experience, our manufacturers will create an easy to maintain, thermo-efficient door with a realistic texture and stunning visual appearance.

Our premium composite front door is the Rockdoor. We believe this to be the most secure, most aesthetically pleasing and best built door in the UK. If you are looking for a more cost effective solution, we will turn your attention to DoorCo.

  1. Choose your door style.
  2. Choose your frame.

Match your new door frame to your windows with a choice of PVCu or aluminium outer-frame.

  1. Choose your colour.
  2. Choose your glass.
  3. Choose your hardware.
Double Glazing Folkestone

Composite Door Quotes for Folkestone, Dover, Deal, Canterbury & Thanet…

If you need a quote for double glazing or composite doors Folkestone and the surrounding area, you can count on Beautiful Homes for quality, well finished composite doors and stylish windows that will compliment any property.

Composite Front Doors Folkestone - Colours
Door Furniture - Composite Front Doors Folkestone
Double Glazing Folkestone Doors